Ramp-Up Pistol Training

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Post-Vacation Training

Daniel Goberville has sent this training to ease the way into bigger training loads, focusing more on technique than points (like for a season start). In fact, because of the covid-19 isolation and the cancelling of so many competitions, although unusual, it is a season start.

Coach Daniel Goberville: “le point technique le plus important est la qualité du lâcher”

Voici mon premier interview d’un coach pistolet sur olympicpistol.com en Français. On commence avec mon coach actuel: Daniel Goberville. Il a été le plus rapide à répondre de tous les coach pistolet sur le répertoire. Celle ci est déjà une de ses qualités comme coach: il répond rapidement. Mais pour moi ce n’est pas la …

Coach Daniel Goberville: “The quality of the trigger release matters most”

This is the first coach interview from the perspective of a pistol shooter on olympicpistol.com. We are starting with my current coach, Daniel Goberville, who was the fastest to answer of all the pistol coaches in the directory. That’s one of the qualities of his coaching, he gets back quickly, but for me what really …

3+1 Pistol Pre Competition Trainings

Four pistol trigger trainings to improve your hold and trigger release so that you make a tighter SCATT “yarn ball”.

4 Trigger Trainings for a Better Scatt “Yarn Ball”

Four pistol trigger trainings to improve your hold and trigger release so that you make a tighter SCATT “yarn ball”.

Training Notes (With Aurore & Daniel Goberville): Trigger Apocalypse

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Trigger Home Training Dry Fire Programme

While my SCATT is being checked by their support service, Daniel Goberville has sent me a pistol trigger focused dry fire programme to do at home with my pistol


As promised, here’s the complement to today’s home programme. Next up: 2 days of journals, a couple SCATT files, holds… What do you want to get?