Shahzar Rizvi: “Cree en ti”

Shahzar Rizvi es uno de los más grandes tiradores indios de pistola de aire de la década. Ha sido el #1 en el Ranking mundial, ha ganado Campeonatos mundiales y copas, y ha impuesto récords mundiales. Más allá de ser otro tirador que admiro, nos ha regalo en esta entrevista un acceso íntimo a su …

Alejandra Zavala: “deja que el gatillo vaya solo y confía”

Alejandra Zavala es una de las primeras tiradoras de alto nivel que he conocido y desde el primer encuentro ha sido accesible, super interesante y divertida. És una fuerza positiva. Hay mucho que aprender de esta tiradora olímpica mexicana 🙂 Durante el aislamiento por el coronavirus mantiene sus entrenamientos de alto nivel en casa con …

Entrenadora Jelena Arunovic: “un entrenador sin motivación, nunca es una buena opción”

Los entrenadores de pistola son un secreto bien guardado de nuestro deporte. Existen, pero son bien difíciles de encontrar, la mayoría de las federaciones y muchos atletas ni siquiera los nombran (solo dicen mi entrenador o se refieren a ellos como el entrenador nacional de pistola…) y tienden a no tener una presencia en línea …

Coach Jelena Arunovic: “a non motivated coach is never a good option”

Jelena Arunovic is one of these unspoken secrets that everyone talks about. Her name just keeps on coming up. She’s the sister and coach of Zorana Arunovic (who says she picked up shooting because of her), and both coaches and shooters keep mentioning her name.

Shahzar Rizvi: “Believe in Yourself”

Shahzar Rizvi is one of the great Indian air pistol shooters of the decade. He’s been the #1 in the world ranking, won World Championships and Cups, and set world records. Beyond being another shooter I admire, he’s given us an intimate access to his shooting and overcoming adversityin this interview. Read, enjoy and learn! …

Céline Goberville: “Be Creative With Your Shooting”

Céline has been one of the main French speaking shooters I look up to. In fact I look up to her whole family! But it started with her. I’m impressed with her fighting capacity, how when things start bad she toughens up and manages to climb to the top. You have to see her face …

João Costa: “Just Shoot Real Bullets and Real Pellets”

João Costa has always been one of the pistol shooters that I look up to. Mostly because of his demeanor and technique (I do admire all shooters I see though) and partly because of my age, which makes me dream of competing at a higher level at his… This is the first interview of the …

Coach Daniel Goberville: “le point technique le plus important est la qualité du lâcher”

Voici mon premier interview d’un coach pistolet sur en Français. On commence avec mon coach actuel: Daniel Goberville. Il a été le plus rapide à répondre de tous les coach pistolet sur le répertoire. Celle ci est déjà une de ses qualités comme coach: il répond rapidement. Mais pour moi ce n’est pas la …

Coach Daniel Goberville: “The quality of the trigger release matters most”

This is the first coach interview from the perspective of a pistol shooter on We are starting with my current coach, Daniel Goberville, who was the fastest to answer of all the pistol coaches in the directory. That’s one of the qualities of his coaching, he gets back quickly, but for me what really …