My First Precision Air Pistol Training Program

After a shooting test to see my trends, my air pistol coach (Santiago Gómez Salgado) sent this as a first generic training to get going before we met (I live 1800 km away). There are two training programs, one for home and one for the range. I’ve blocked three days a week to go to the range. This is complemented with one day training at home (total 4 days of shooting training per week). Physical training is not included in this.

Home training plan

  • At least five minutes of body warm-up exercises and light stretching.
  • 20 dry fire shots using a small target as reference (a rifle target or a sticker) with feet together (to work on balance).
  • 20 dry fire shots with a pistol target alternating with eyes closed and open. Aim, close your eyes, pay attention to how you are gripping the gun and your wrist lock, then on your finger in the trigger. Remember the sensations and use on shot with eyes open.
  • 30 dry fire shots with a pistol target.
  • At least 10 minutes of stretching.

If you don’t have time to do all the shots, keep the proportions and reduce the total number of shots.

Range training plan

  • At least five minutes of warm-up and light stretching.
  • 24 shot warm-up: first dry fire with eyes closed, then dry fire with eyes open, then real shot.
  • 20 real shots or dry fire on a thick horizontal line (to work on a problem of my rear sight having a slight tendency to cant to the left).
  • 40 shots on pistol target: for each shot under 9 two dry fires.
  • 6 hold exercises: use a thick marker on the 3 line of a pistol target. Place the target 3 meters away from you (as you get better, increase to 4 meters). Do your aiming routine and, when you arrive to the space between the line you sketched and the black portion of the target, slowly lower your gun without touching either of them and keeping your aim. When you arrive to the bottom, breath a few times holding your aim and then slowly raise your gun around the other side. Do this alternatively clockwise/counterclockwise 3 times each side (a total of 6 times).
  • At least 15 minutes stretching.


After two weeks of training, do a 40 shot control and evaluate. My results of the test and meeting the trainer where that I need to work on my balance, the strength of my shoulder and the lock of the wrist.

Hire Santiago López Salgado as your pistol coach

Contact coach Santiago Gómez Salgado for training by phone/Whatsapp (+34652839572) or email. He speaks Spanish.

Published by ramonsuarez

Pistol shooter practicing mostly the Olympic & ISSF events, learning and sharing along the way. #10mairpistol #25mpistol #50mpistol #rfp #rapidfirepistol #issfpistol #olympicpistol

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