Standard Air Pistol Timing & Trigger Training Plans

These are two standard air pistol training plans that I created myself while working with Philippe Stiel. He was more keen than other coaches on me choosing my own exercises, to which he would add helpful remarks.

Establishing a Pistol Shooting Sequence

One of the things that all coaches ask for is your shooting sequence (also called routine and process). This is was my shot process when I started training with Philippe Stiel, with his feedback on each point. Check out this list of shooting routines for inspiration in establishing yours and to see how my shooting sequence has changed over time.

Pistol Trigger Coordination Training Plan With Contrats

After my first training with Philippe Stiel and the discussion about contracts, he gave me this pistol coordination training plan to prepare for the coming competitions.

Contracts and Challenges Technique for Pistol Shooting Coordination

All the pistol coaches I’ve worked with use challenges and contracts in their training plans, usually adding more demand as competitions approach. After my first training session with Philippe Stiel he sent me a great email explaining contracts, so as to change my training plan and to improve coordination in training and competition. So far I’ve also worked with challenges and contracts with coaches Daniel Goberville, Santiago Gómez Salgado and Dina Aspandiyarova. This is my interpretation of their take on the use of challenges and contracts, with examples.

My First Training With Philippe Stiel

These are the notes from my first ever training session with Philippe Stiel, former coach of the Belgian pistol national team. He’s the only ISSF pistol coach I found in Belgium and the commute to the training range was manageable with a new born and a small kid at home. Working with Philippe was great and it also gave me the opportunity to meet the friendly people at the CCAT range.